Intellectual Property Law

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Customs authorities and Trademark enforcement

Using customs and border protection authorities to prevent counterfeit goods from entering new markets and crossing borders is one of the most effective tools in a luxury brand owner's toolbox when it comes to IP enforcement and anti-counterfeiting efforts. The process varies, but this is available in several Asia Pacific jurisdictions. Australia: Trademarks and other intellectual property rights (IPRs) are subject to seizure by the Australian Border Force. Any goods bearing a mark that is substantially similar to or deceptively similar to a trademark about which a notice of objection has been filed may be subject to seizure. Bangladesh: The commissioner of...

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Judicial Distribution (CC 799)

Judicial Distribution - Economou & Economou law office the best real estate lawyers Athens Greece (+30) 2103603824

If not all the co-owners agree to dissolve the co-ownership by distribution, each co-owner can request judicial distribution (CC 799) according to the provisions of the CCC. Judicial distribution is the distribution caused by the filing of a lawsuit and occurs with the issuance of a court decision, which orders either the distribution itself or the sale by auction according to the terms of the law (EphAθ 4127/2001, ElΔνη 2003 1401. Papasteriou, EmbrD, II, § 66, No 150. Papasteriou, in Georgiadis/Stathopoulos CC, Art. 1887, no. 39. N. Psouni, KlerD3, I, p. 517). The court may choose one of the following indicative forms...

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