Customs law
As the best customs law lawyers in Greece, we know very well that issues involving customs violations are particularly demanding and require specialized handling as they may result in the imposition of particularly high duties, fines and multiple fees, as well as the imposition of criminal sanctions. Both the national and the EU customs legal framework contain strict rules, and successful defence of alleged customs offenders requires broad scientific expertise combined with a practical and pragmatic approach.
The law firm of Economou and Economou, undertakes with impressive success rates the representation of principals before the competent customs authorities in major cases of smuggling of vehicles, fuel and cigarettes. In addition, it guarantees their effective representation before administrative and criminal courts, at every level of jurisdiction, as well as before European courts.
Our clients include major Greek and foreign multinational companies, manufacturing and importing factories, as well as individuals facing large-scale smuggling penalties. The attorneys of the law firm of Economou & Economou in Athens have succeeded in obtaining both the remission and the repayment of excessive duties and multiple fees after demanding litigation. Our clients include large Greek and foreign multinational companies, manufacturing and importing factories, as well as individuals facing large-scale smuggling penalties. The attorneys of the law firm of Economou & Economou in Athens have succeeded in obtaining both the remission and the repayment of excessive duties and multiple fees after demanding litigation.
What is smuggling and what is the difference between it and a simple customs violation? Is smuggling a criminal offence?
Smuggling is the import or export of goods within the customs territory which are subject to duties, taxes and other charges levied at Customs without the written authorisation of the competent Customs Authority or at a place or time other than that designated by the Customs Authority. The concept of smuggling shall also include any act intended to deprive the Greek State or the European Union of duties, taxes and other charges levied on the import and export of goods. Smuggling is distinguished from simple customs offences, which consist of failure to comply with the formalities of the Customs Code relating to customs operations and the Customs Service. In the case of smuggling, both criminal and administrative sanctions are imposed, whereas a customs offence is subject only to an administrative sanction (fine).
For example, the following cases are examples of smuggling:
removing the chassis number from a car by any means or falsifying it and placing it on another car for which the duties and other taxes due have not been paid,
the use of a false or falsified registration certificate for a private motor vehicle
the under- or over-invoicing of imported or exported goods, in so far as it involves a loss of duties, taxes, VAT and other charges,
the existence of goods on board ships, irrespective of their capacity, which sail to the coast and head for a Greek port without being mentioned in the ship’s manifest,
the absence from the vessel at the time of departure of goods loaded for a foreign country or for another port of the State under a transit document.
If you want to know more about customs offences follow the link below:
If you want to be represented by the best lawyers in customs law in Greece according to Lawzana and its infringements available at Economou & Economou in Greece, entrust us with your customs case and we will undertake with unlimited sense of responsibility and commitment to successfully represent you before any authority and criminal civil or administrative court anywhere in Greece.Contact us by filling out our contact form for a first personal consultation and a first case evaluation, you may send us an email at or call us at (+30) 210 3603824